The medical community needs to do more to support women of color, particularly Black women, who must confront a number of hurdles in order to have a VBAC.
I Like My Unruly Eyebrows, Thank You Very Much
I’ve never had my eyebrows shaped, plucked, threaded, waxed, filled in, tinted, drawn on, or otherwise groomed. And I’m okay with that.
Meet the Haitian immigrant leading the fight for Disney workers’ rights
After years of working at Disney, she was only making $8.70 per hour. But then Destin decided to fight for higher wages.
Lemonade refreshed my spirit. I didn’t feel exploited, commodified, or powerless, bell hooks.
I’m a woman that grew up in the church and I’ve has always struggled with my spirituality. For me, Beyonce’s latest work Lemonade is theologically and spiritually freeing.
Self Care to Self Loathing and Back Again
Although I have grown to accept my body in many ways, the pressures of society and the weight of patriarchy make this a journey. A journey that has its ups and downs.
The Black Woman’s Guide to Getting Help for Postpartum Depression
Here are eight ways to break through the “strong Black woman” stereotype, get in touch with your emotions, and get help.
Could ‘Birth Budgets’ Help U.S. Women Navigate Coverage Gaps?
What could help women like Ashleigh, who have private health care insurance coverage that still leaves them on the hook for hundreds or thousands of dollars?
How Prince helped me be black and genderqueer in America’s Bible capital
I found a north star in Prince and his identity because he showed me the power of my genderqueer body.
Pregnant and Punished: How Our Drug Policies Hurt Women
The sad truth is that pregnant women with drug problems are overwhelmingly likely to be criminalized rather than getting the help they need.
Weed for Period Pain? Yes, But I Want Equity in the Marijuana Industry Too
Last month, “Vanity Fair” announced that Whoopi Goldberg is co-launching a line of cannabis (marijuana) products in April that will provide holistic alternatives for menstrual cramps. Yes, you read that correctly.