Building power for New Mexico families.
Building power for New Mexico families.
Strong Families New Mexico started in 2012. Each year we grow into a more powerful force for statewide and local policy change. SFNM builds leaders and is growing a base of supporters in Bernalillo, McKinley, Doña Ana and Rio Arriba Counties. We are working to ensure that all families have the rights, recognition and resources they need to thrive — from affordable and quality healthcare to safer neighborhoods to benefits for workers.
Connect with us on Facebook.
Civic participation means getting everyday folks involved in the decisions that affect our families and communities. Election season is an especially important time for us to speak up, and there are many ways we can all get involved in the process, regardless of our citizenship status or whether we can vote.
Strong Families New Mexico coordinates year-round civic engagement to change policies and shift culture in New Mexico. We organize roundtables in communities where decision makers, organizations and families can come together to share their stories, offer ideas for change, and create solutions in collaboration with one another.
For every legislative session, we organize legislative days and work with hundreds of community members who receive training and visit legislators in teams to educate them on the issues that impact their own families and communities.
Our Legislative Priorities
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We’re making this PDF resource available for free to cultural workers and organizations who sign up below. Please opt-in to our email list for updates, resources and transformative art in your inbox.
Our vote is our voice and our power — and we can use it to turn the tide. Will you sign up to receive critical election updates from Forward Together?
Forward Together unites communities to win rights, recognition and resources for all families. We hope that you’ll join our family by signing up for updates. To access this resource and others like it, please join our email list.
Contact us to learn more about how we’re working ensure that all families in New Mexico have the rights, recognition and resources they need to thrive — and how you can help make this vision a reality!
Your investment in Forward Together amplifies the voices of our communities, uplifts the leadership of women of color, fuels concrete policy wins and transformative artwork to ensure that all our families thrive.