When It Comes to Abortion, Money is Key to Access

When someone decides to have an abortion, one of the problems they have to solve is how to pay for it. For a lucky few, insurance plans cover their abortions, but the vast majority, 57 percent, are forced to pay out of pocket, whether they have insurance or not.

Why black girls and women are missing in action

“What about Black boys and men?” he began. “I know it must be hard being a Black woman, but Black men are going through it harder. The police are killing us and locking us up more than Black women and girls.

“We need to focus on the men.”

Cuidarse a uno mismo y el trabajo social

Si le preguntases a mi madre o a mi novia cuándo hice algo equivocado, te dirán algo como, “Bueno, conociendo a Quita, ella nunca hace nada equivocado”. Pero incluso la Princesa de la Perfección tiene que admitir cuándo se equivoca.

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