On May 31, 2009, while serving as an usher at his church, abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was shot in the head by an anti-abortion activist.
Navigating the Military System to Get an Abortion: Olivia Pope Can’t Fix This Scandal
This season’s Scandal episodes have tackled some of today’s most pressing social issues, including the Black Lives Matter movement, gun control, and feminism. Recently, sexual assault and abortion have taken center stage.
All Options’ Needed When Facing an Unexpected Pregnancy
When someone faces an unintended pregnancy, they need to know how to make the best decision and what option to pursue: becoming a parent, adoption or abortion. But that information is becoming increasingly hard to find these days.
My Lavender Weave and Why Do You Care?
“This femme wants pastel colored hair, preferably lavender.” It was such a simple Facebook…
Scandal and the Hyde Amendment
Television can be frustrating because there is a tendency for people and problems to be oversimplified. Scandal is not always an exception to this, but we’ve seen time and time again compelling ways that current problems in American life are lifted up, carefully critiqued and addressed by the end of the episode.
Celebrating Young Motherhood During Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
At this time of year, we advocates for teen mothers often wonder whom Mother’s Day is for.
Stigma Around ‘Non-Traditional’ Families Won’t End with Assisted Reproductive Technology
Queer and trans folks have been making babies for a long time, and it’s rarely ever easy. Even when we create biological children, we have to fight to be recognized as their parents.
Unapologetically Owning the Stereotypes and Nuances of Me
As a Black, queer, fat woman, I’m constantly aware of how I navigate most spaces. I’m constantly determining whether I can talk about my girlfriend. I’m constantly wondering whether I can eat what and how I want. And I’m constantly aware of how I’m speaking, from my tone to the words that I’m saying.
Fighting for Access and Justice: A Q&A With the Incoming Executive Director of the National Network of Abortion Funds
The 37-year-old Chicago native recently chatted with RH Reality Check about her work to build a broad human rights movement that lives up to its inclusive values, her unconventional professional trajectory, and the people who inspired and stoked her activism.
For your kid’s sake, learn to be OK with saying ‘I’m not OK’
When I was thousands of feet in the air, I found myself having one of the scariest mental health problems ever.