How ‘Roots’ Reverberated in Africa

The epic miniseries, which united black and white Americans in a viewing experience that the late journalist Chuck Stone called both “an electronic orgy of white guilt” and “one of greatest emotional experiences of all time”—set off a chain of reactions in sub-Saharan Africa.

Why I Will Never Stop Talking About My Abortion

Renee Bracey Sherman is a never-ending resource of information when it comes to the current political fight for abortion rights in the country. On this week’s episode of Women’s Health’s podcast, “Uninterrupted,” she shares her own abortion story, and the reason why she will always be open and honest about it.

Who Should Speak Up About Abortion Access?

Sharing my story has been a freeing and empowering experience that I wouldn’t change for a minute. But being a biracial black woman who tells the world about her abortion brings on a litany of racist and sexist epithets that take their toll on my emotional and mental well-being.

Lessons on the 10 Year Anniversary of My Abortion

For the past four years I have shared my abortion story with thousands of people; from cab drivers and rally attendees, to abortion patients who stayed at my home while traveling for their abortion and people on the Internet. It’s a weird feeling to talk about my abortion, a deeply personal experience, with strangers, but it’s actually quite comforting.

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