Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted generic emergency contraceptive pill manufacturers to sell their products over the counter.
Lessons from the Kitchen
Like many others, I’m sure, I was raised among many women who taught me deep and powerful life lessons.
Bill O’Reilly, Beyonce, and Pseudo Findings
Bill O’Reilly believes that Beyonce does not deserve to be on the cover of Time magazine because she causes young women in the black community to have unintended pregnancies
Beyond the Politics of Voting
We do a severe injustice to ourselves, and especially young people, when we insist that to be political, we must be limited to engaging with politicians in someway.
Banning ‘Bossy’ Won’t Help Black Women and Girls Seeking Justice
This campaign presents us with the opportunity to find an intersectional approach to developing leadership skills in girls and women.
Lack of Support Structures Creates Impossible Decisions
Everyday, single mothers across the country are forced to make unconventional decisions because of societal structures in place.
The Second Lady’s Abortion: What ‘House of Cards’ Got Right… and Didn’t
House of Cards pulls back the curtain on the complex internal processes and external actions taken by many who have had abortions.
When It Comes to Teen Pregnancy, Support Is Prevention
Mainstream teenage pregnancy prevention frameworks are one-sided and ineffective in preventing unintended pregnancies.
Black Women’s Health Care Crisis
We know that the unjust policies within our health care system disproportionately impact low-income women of color.
Teen Moms Win Too: Why I’m Glad I Had My Daughter at 15
Being a pregnant and/or parenting teen is a very thankless job.