Voters don’t live single-issue lives. Abortion sits at the intersection of gender, class, race, economics and immigration. It’s no longer acceptable for our political leaders to ignore the issue.
How Abortion Storytelling Was Born
Women were the experts of their own lives, Kennedy asserted time and time again—a point that’s the core of today’s abortion story-sharing trend.
Illegal Abortions Onscreen: Depictions of a Pre-‘Roe’ World
In the generation since Roe was decided, some advocates have blamed young people’s complacency around abortion on fleeting historical memory. While we actively, emphatically dispute these claims of complacency, we acknowledge that—for some people in our generation—the reality of illegal abortion is, and hopefully will always be, secondhand.
How Photographer Wendi Kent Hopes to Galvanize the Quiescent ‘Pro-Choice Majority’
Kent takes pictures of anti-choice protesters who surround clinics often for the purpose of bombarding staff, patients, and passers-by with images of fetal remains and condemnation.
When My Body Wasn’t Mine: Reclaiming Radical Love After Sexual Trauma
The first step for me was being honest about the traumas that I’d experienced, not only with myself, but with my partner and trusted friends.
Insurance Coverage of Doula Care Would Benefit Patients and Service Providers Alike
Earlier this month, Choices in Childbirth and Childbirth Connection, a program of the National Partnership of Women and Families, released a report and advocacy toolkit called….
Now that Raleigh police have listened, city needs timeline to implement changes
When Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown announced her recent series of community forums, she said she wanted to build relationships and enlighten and empower the community.
What It’s Like to Be an Abortion Provider in the Midwest
As evidenced by the recent Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs and the arsons at abortion clinics across the country, abortion providers take great risks to their personal safety to ensure that the 1 in 3 women choosing abortion are able to receive safe care.
Why Invoking Martin Luther King Jr. In Response To The Tamir Rice Verdict Misses The Point
MLK did not advocate for peaceful protest.
It Shouldn’t Take a Superhero to Access Abortion Care in Prison, But in ‘Jessica Jones’ It Does
Critics have hailed the show for its realistic feminist-leaning plot lines and discussions of sexual consent, rape, and addiction. But while the show depicts a confident abortion decision, the reality of the situation is pure fiction.