People pouring into the streets, crying publicly at award shows and TV interviews, showed me that I didn’t need to cry in the closet or the bathroom. That there was nothing to be ashamed of.
The U.S. Should Not Be Subjecting Refugees To ‘Reverse’ Abortions
America already has a dark history of state-sanctioned violence on Black and brown bodies for medical experimentation, particularly on those living in poverty and under government control. And we stood as idly by then as we do now.
10 months in jail for 7 minutes of silence?
A judge could punish Wriply for her defending Black lives with 10 months in jail. As her movement family, we can’t let this happen.
TransVisionaries: How Miss Major Helped Spark the Modern Trans Movement
“Miss Major is not your token. You need a token? Well, go to the subway and buy one and get on a fucking bus.”
How Statement T-Shirts Unite Black History, Culture, and Fashion
The statement T-shirt for, by, and about black folks seems to be having a renaissance.
Carter G. Woodson’s West Virginia Wasn’t ‘Trump Country,’ it Was a Land of Opportunity
Wilson wrote a few pieces that were remarkable in their early focus on Black people in a region that was, then and now, more diverse than contemporary stories of its white poverty and Trumpian politics imagine.
Forward Together Statement on Janus v. AFSCME
Today the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Janus v. AFSCME, a lawsuit…
Implementing RHEA
During the fight to pass OR’s Reproductive Health Equity Act in 2017, Forward Together and APANO were concerned by anti-abortion legislators stereotyping Asian communities. This fact sheet shares how we can ensure racial profiling doesn’t end up in healthcare.
The Untold Story of Harlem’s ‘Whiskey Rebellion,’ the Civil Rights Campaign for Black Liquor Salesmen
They were part of a civil rights movement with broad aims and an economic justice focus that has gone less valorized in history than lunch-counter activism and voting rights crusades.
The Fight Starts Here: Immigrant Rights in Oregon
White supremacists are using Oregon as a testing ground for their anti-immigrant agenda. Here’s what immigrants and communities of color in the state are up against—and how we’re fighting back.