Does Anti-Abortion Bill Co-Opt Black Lives Matter’s Slogan?
January 28, 2016(Photo credit: The All-Nite Images)
Although abortion has been legal in the U.S. for 43 years, there are still those who would attempt to impede abortion rights, and at least in one case, possibly co-opt the language of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Missouri Republican state Rep. Mike Moon has introduced legislation called the “All Lives Matter Act,” which would actually further the agenda of abortion opponents.
Moon’s bill includes the definition that the “life of each human being begins at conception,” similar to so-called “personhood” legislation, which seeks to effectively outlaw abortion.
Critics have called Moon’s legislation an “outrage.” Christine Assefa, a St. Louis organizer for the Organization for Black Struggle, believes the bill is offensive to the memories of Blacks who have died at police hands, including Michael Brown, and further marginalizes Black women seeking abortions.