Beyond Thots Vs. Good Girls: Repro Justice Combats State Violence Against Black Women
November 1, 2016Black women know more than anyone how critical elections are. In so many ways, our livelihoods are on the ballot. Politicians are deciding the fate of schools in our communities and whether a living wage will be the law of the land. Every four years we hear promises, but once the governing begins, we are forgotten as a constituency despite our high voter turnout. But no more.
Politicians are depending on our vote, but if they want it, they must be prepared to be held accountable once they take office. They must be prepared to fight for our liberation, to prove that Black lives really do matter to them and to make reproductive justice a reality.
Black women’s needs are placed on the back burner too often, and this is detrimental to our families and communities. Politicians refuse to use an intersectional lens in their policies in order to recognize how they impact us as both Black people and women.