A Word on Allyship…or Lack Thereof
August 20, 2013Recently, there has been a lot of talk online about allyship, solidarity, and what it all means. The Twitter hashtags #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen (created by @Karnythia), #BlackPowerIsForBlackMen (created by @JamilahLemieux), and #FuckCisPeople (created by @Stuxnetsource) broadened the conversation to discuss how many are feeling a lack of allyship from their counterparts in the struggle, and what they would like to see changed. Experiences of pain within movements were exposed, and many in privileged positions took a seat and listened to how their actions were perpetuating the very systems of oppression they sought to dismantle. Still others felt that their allyship was just fine as is and didn’t want to hear about the barriers their privilege creates.