Ask A Candidate – Montana
Developed by Montana Women Vote, Strong Families
Paid Sick Days
What would you do to ensure that workers don’t have to choose between taking care of themselves/their families and their job?
- 49% of workers in Montana do not earn paid sick days.
- Many are low-income women working in restaurant, retail, and domestic work.
- The consequences are real: 25% of workers have been threatened with job loss after taking time off to take care of themselves or a sick family member.
Paid Family And Medical Leave
How would you support families so that all workers have access to paid family and medical leave?
- Some workers have the right to up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off to bond with a new child, take care of a serious illness, or care for a seriously ill family member through the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
- Only 12% of private-sector workers receive paid family leave, and only 5% of low-wage workers receive paid family leave from their employers.
- LGBTQ workers face increased risk of cancer, chronic conditions like diabetes and HIV/AIDS, so paid leave can help access critical healthcare.
Criminal Justice
How would you address the economic disparities resulting from incarceration around employment and wages, and access to public assistance, housing, and education?
- Approximately 1 in 3 Americans have some type of criminal record,4 and 87% of employers conduct background checks.
- 21 states and over 100 cities and counties have taken steps to remove barriers to employment for qualified workers with records.
- Fair access to housing, public assistance, and education can support healthy communities.
Scheduling Transparency
How would you address schedule inflexibility and unpredictability for low-wage hourly workers?
- 51% of full-time, low-wage workers and 42% of part-time workers report having very little or no control over their work schedules.6
- Approximately 7 out of 10 workers have no choice about their start or end times. The rates are even higher for workers who work evenings/weekends.
- If you don’t know your work schedule, it makes arranging child care extremely challenging. Workers have a hard time continuing their education or working a second job because of unpredictable schedules.