Like you, I was heartbroken and enraged at Kavanaugh’s confirmation on Saturday.
This confirmation was an act of violence and hatred towards sexual assault survivors, towards women, towards our communities, and towards our country. It was also an act of power wielded by our top legislators, who demonstrated that they were willing to do whatever it takes to move their political agenda.
Our country is in crisis — and we are going to see even more attacks on immigrants, queer communities, people of color, women, and trans and non-binary folks. During times like these, how we respond can make a tremendous difference.
In the face of actions by those in power — meant to disregard, marginalize and dehumanize us — we must remember who we are. We can’t let them take away our fight. Our fight for social change, our fight for a better world for our families and our communities, and our fight for justice. And this November, we can’t let them take away our power.
Will you pledge to vote in the upcoming election on November 6?
Last week, one of my teenage daughters, distraught over the Kavanaugh hearings, organized a walk-out and protest. Hundreds of students left their classrooms and rallied outside the high school, respectfully listening to 28 speakers share their stories as survivors and talk about toxic masculinity and the need to interrupt and change rape culture.
On Saturday, after the confirmation vote, my daughter, who was visibly upset, went into her room. She came out a few hours later and asked if she could hold a meeting at our house for students interested in taking more action. Over 50 kids showed up on Sunday to put a plan into place for this week.
Similarly, at Forward Together we are not letting despair stop us. Our communities know what it takes to go up against entrenched power over the long term. Right now, we’re texting, calling and knocking on doors to make sure our supporters turn out to vote for the change we need in these upcoming elections.
Will you pledge to vote on November 6? Click here to sign the pledge »
Together, we can remind ourselves of who we are, what we stand for, and what we are willing to do over the long term, so that our families can get the rights, recognition and resources that we need.
Sign the pledge and then encourage everyone around you to vote.
Let’s act together and give them a helluva fight!
Eveline Shen, Executive Director
Forward Together