Many in the black community have fought for reproductive justice — but we’re often left out of the story.
It’s Time to Rethink Black History Month
If my friends and I were lucky, sometimes we heard about George Washington Carver, who invented peanut butter, or the Tuskegee Airmen. But one thing was constant: The people we heard about were almost always male.
The Fight to Cover Georgia
Low-income families, people of color, and youth are disproportionately affected by the decision not to expand Medicaid.
Improving health equity in Georgia
Expanding Medicaid to more Georgians at or near the poverty line is not just the right thing to do – it’s what our state and the rest of the deep south wants to do.
On Darrin Manning, and Reproductive Justice for Young Men of Color
When 16-year-old Darrin Manning left basketball practice, he surely did not imagine that the trip home would jeopardize his reproductive future.
What YOU Need to Know About Emergency Contraception contributor Dr. Aletha Maybankon explains how Plan B One-Step®, available for $50 on average, actually works to prevent pregnancy.
How to Listen When a Loved One Says I Had an Abortion
The stats say that 1 in 3 women will have an abortion before the age of 45, but due to silence and stigma, they often don’t feel safe to talk about their abortion publicly.
Scars as Stories: Breast Cancer in the Black Community
We’ve allowed our fear and the stigma associated with illness and poverty to silence our stories, and that silence is literally killing us.
Who’s Who in Virginia Politics
Civic participation means getting everyday folks involved in the decisions that affect our families and communities. Election season is an especially important time for us to speak up, and there are many ways we can all get involved in the process, regardless of our citizenship status or whether we can vote. The state guides can help us get involved in the process.
¿Quién es quién en la política de Florida?
La participación cívica signifi ca hacer que cualquier persona se involucre en las decisiones que afectan a nuestras familias y comunidades. La temporada de elecciones es un momento especialmente importante en el que debemos expresar nuestra opinión, y existen muchas formas en las que todos nos podemos involucrar en el proceso, sin importar nuestro estatus migratorio o si podemos votar o no.