I’ve had to come to terms with how the shortcomings of the ACA affect my life.
How the Hobby Lobby Decision Impacts Black Women
The court’s decision to allow corporations to deny insurance coverage of contraception has major implications for Black women across the United States.
The 50th Anniversary of Mississippi’s Freedom Summer: Remembering What Fannie Lou Hamer Taught Us
Fannie Lou Hamer used the power of storytelling to compel America to recognize the humanity of poor Black people in Mississippi.
Listen to Youth: Adult Allies Must Support the Repeal of Illinois’ Forced Parental Notification Law
The issues of young people, sex, pregnancy, parenting, and abortion have been heating up in recent years due to a fight around the implementation of the forced parental notification law.
Buyer Beware: Can We Trust Cheap Plan B One-Step on Amazon.com?
Have you seen people you know post on social media about super cheap Plan B One-Step? Seem too good to be true? It might be.
What Happens When We Share Our Abortion Stories: Hate, Vitriol, But Also Love
“Congrats on killing your baby. Nice job,” the first Facebook post said. It had seven “likes.”
Do We Love Black Mothers Enough?
A well-known African proverb reads, “It takes a village to raise a child.” It also takes a village for Black women to have healthy pregnancies and deliver healthy babies.
Claming My Mamahood After My Abortion
For me, Mother’s Day is complex. It’s an annual reminder of a path not…
A Young Mama’s Journey From Struggling Alone to Parenting in Community
Becoming a mother at 15 made me feel as if I had to prove to the world that I could do “it” on my own.
And She Still Wrote: Remembering Maya Angelou
Dr. Maya Angelou’s life could not be contained by a single autobiography.