For her new book “Cook Korean!” (Ten Speed Press, $19.99), Ha developed and and illustrated about 70 recipes from the Korean peninsula.
Why I Debated Getting My Breasts Augmented – And Why I Finally Did
As a black trans woman, getting my breasts augmented would make me feel safer in public, and help me feel more at home in my body. Could I reconcile cosmetic surgery with my feminist ideals?
North Carolina’s Policies Don’t Keep Anyone Safe
Gov. McCrory and state leaders talk about protecting women, but they should be concerned with protecting the safety of all residents, especially the most vulnerable: transgender residents.
A Letter to My Queer Family After Orlando
The singular queer and trans deaths we have known over the years have been like daggers, but this was an explosion and my heart weeps for you and for myself.
None of your business
As I walked into the women’s restroom, my heart beat rapidly in my chest. Would anyone assume I was trans? Would someone yell at me or out me? Would there be mass hysteria?
Grieving a Mom Who’s Still Here
In the last six months, five of my friends’ moms have died. My mom is 63, healthy and here, but her capacity for intimacy is incompatible with my desire to be nurtured.
Jasmine Abdullah’s Leadership Should be Uplifted and Celebrated, Not Criminalized
A law originally created to protect Black people from vigilantes is now being used to criminalize and intimidate activists, by locking up a freedom fighter who made it her life’s work to oppose police violence and killings of Black people.
6 Women Share How Having an Abortion Impacted Their Relationships
There’s a prevalent myth that the majority of people seeking abortions are in their teens or trying to avoid parenthood, but study after study is proving that just isn’t the case.
How ‘Roots’ Reverberated in Africa
The epic miniseries, which united black and white Americans in a viewing experience that the late journalist Chuck Stone called both “an electronic orgy of white guilt” and “one of greatest emotional experiences of all time”—set off a chain of reactions in sub-Saharan Africa.
What the War on Reproductive Rights Has to do With Poverty and Race
In the United States, race and class are major factors in who can access abortion care, contraception, and maternal healthcare.