Let Trans Kids Know: You are Not Alone
March 30, 2020Right now, there is a trans child out there who feels alone and invisible.
I created this art because I want trans kids to know that they are not alone. Like the fierce creatures in my painting, I wanted to let trans kids know that we’ll protect them and we’ll fight by their side.
As we all grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, let’s take a moment to think about all the trans kids in need of love, support and safety in this time of crisis.
This Trans Day of Visibility, let’s show up for all the trans youth in our lives and let them know: we see you, we love you and we’ll protect you. Even if we can’t be with each other or share our messages of support in our community spaces, we can take over our online spaces and let trans kids know how much we care for them.
Download and share this art with your friends, family and community today.
This Trans Day of Visibility comes at a particularly difficult time for many in the trans community.
The Coronavirus pandemic puts trans people at serious risk, from trans kids who are isolated in unsafe homes, to those who lack stable housing and income, to the many who are immunocompromised. From trans people who are incarcerated, to trans migrants seeking asylum to live their truth, to those who are refused shelter and medical care.
Yesterday, Lorena Borjas, a trans Latinx elder who dedicated her life to fighting for trans liberation, lost her life days after testing positive for COVID-19. Up until her last days, Lorena was organizing to support trans sex workers in her Queens, NY community who are most at risk during the pandemic. Lorena was a mother to our movement. We share this art with renewed commitment to fight for the lives of trans youth like the thousands of young people she mentored.
My art celebrates the power and resilience of trans youth of color — and it also honors all those who have fought to make the world a safer place for trans kids. Join me in sharing this art with your loved ones today in celebration of Trans Day of Visibility and make a commitment to uplifting and fighting alongside trans youth every day of the year.