Our Mission

Forward Together unites communities to win rights, recognition and resources for all families.


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  • Art

The right to have a child

“My greatest privilege and joy is coming from and being surrounded by Black mamas. Love in all of our human relationships is cosmic and beyond our physical form on this planet.”

  • Art

The right to own our bodies & control our future

“When I think of bodily autonomy I think about self-belonging— being your own guardian and north star. Venus emerged, fully realized, from the ocean, standing on a clam shell, like the sole architect of her body...

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  • Tools

La Ley CROWN de Oregón

La Ley CROWN hace que sea ilegal discriminar a las personas de raza negra que usan trenzas, rizos, espirales (twists), nudos o peinados protectores (incluyendo una envoltura para la cabeza/cabello en el lugar de trabajo y en las escuelas...

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